Fiddle fig “Frankie” plays first fiddle in the charts
Frankie, Ficus lyrata bambino or fiddle fig
If you don't have a fiddle yet, you probably don't read interior design blogs. Because the past of the fiddle may go back millions of years. But her moment in the limelight has now come because she's playing first fiddle in the plant charts.
Its story begins in the tropical lowland rainforest on the West African coast. It belongs to the mulberry family, which also includes fig tree species. Why the ficus lyrata is called a fiddle fig is obvious.
The plant owes its name to its impressive leaves, which resemble a violin. These can be very large with a width of up to 15 cm and a length of up to 30 cm. When you look at them, you almost think of science fiction. But one thing is certain: The fiddle fig “Frankie” simply looks great and its motto is “Music plays with him” for nothing!

No symbolism for fiddle fig “Frankie”? Absolutely!
Who says that the fiddle has no symbolism! It is a ficus in terms of its kind. That is why — like all fig trees — it stands for peace and abundance. In the Middle East, the ficus is even considered a peace tree and stands for unity and general understanding. In Indonesia, it is intended to connect people with the spiritual world. In Buddhist countries, it is a sacred tree because Buddha found enlightenment under a fig tree. Even in the Old Testament of Christians, Adam and Eve cover themselves with fig leaves after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There, fig leaves are a symbol of humility. So: The fig tree — and therefore also the fiddle fig — represents peace, abundance, unity, general understanding, enlightenment and humility. You really have the choice of what you want to express when you give a “Frankie.”