Lucky chestnut “Charlie” loves fixed habits

Charlie, Pachira aquatica or lucky chestnut

Lots of light, no direct sun, no draught, no waterlogging, moderate watering and high humidity: If you know these key figures, you already know how to handle the lucky chestnut “Charlie”.

To be honest, “Charlie” is a “creature of habit”:

It loves to have a fixed location, to be watered weekly and to receive fertilizer once a month during the growth phase. The most important thing for it, however, is to “shower” regularly, because the highest possible humidity is simply important for it to thrive. Do “Charlie” this favor and spray him regularly with lukewarm, preferably lime-free water (more often in winter due to the dry heating air).

By the way: If the leaves “curl”, the plant has received too little water. If they become soft and yellow, the plant has been overwatered.

George men's plant

Lucky chestnut “Charlie” simply ensures your happiness

The symbolism of the lucky chestnut “Charlie” is clear: It brings good luck. That is why it is often used in feng shui in almost every area. But as with any feng shui symbol, it's important to think about what happiness means in your own life. Do you want health? career? Or even fame? Do you want as much money as possible? A loving family? Or lots of helpful friends?

Feng Shui experts advise against the location of the plant in the bathroom with its many drains because happiness could be “washed away”. But otherwise, lucky chestnut and the associated happiness are suitable for most rooms. After all, happiness and positive energy are welcome everywhere.

Lucky chestnut can also reduce stress and anxiety and also help alleviate sleep disorders. Well, that's certainly a good reason to buy yourself a lucky chestnut or give it as a gift to someone you like.

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