Aloe vera “Anthony” gives eternal youth

Anthony, aloe vera or desert lily

Aloe vera probably originated on the Arabian Peninsula. It is no wonder that it requires little water. For us, on the other hand, it was a reason to include them in our small but fine range of plants for men. The sap that forms in the leaves is nothing more than a supply of water and nutrients that the plant depends on in regions where there is no rain for months.

It is actually amazing that plants thrive in the deserts of this world. Because lack of water, extreme temperature fluctuations, sandstorms and even salt soils are a hostile environment.

Aloe vera is now cultivated in both subtropical and tropical regions. In the Mediterranean region, India, the West Indies, the Canary Islands and Mexico, it is now even considered naturalized.

Aloe vera makes you beautiful and gives you eternal youth

Around 6000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians regarded aloe vera as a plant whose juice provides beauty, health and immortality. That is why they appreciated Egyptian queens such as Nefertiti and Cleopatra and used them for their daily skincare routine. Cleopatra in particular apparently succeeded well, as the Roman general Mark Antony fell in love with her. That is why we have given aloe vera the name “Anthony” among our men's plants.

In Sanskrit, aloe vera is called Ghrita-Kumari, where kumari means girl. This is because it was believed that the plant has a regenerating effect on female nature and gives women the energy of youth. Last but not least, various indigenous people of Africa, India and China attributed supernatural powers to real aloe and burned its wood to drive away evil spirits.

No wonder, then, depending on the culture and country, aloe vera was also called desert lily, royal plant, source of youth, magic wand of heaven and means of harmony.

Aloe vera — a breath of immortality

The healing properties of aloe vera were recognized around 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia. There, illnesses were a sign of demons that could only be driven away by a divine plant such as aloe vera.

Alexander the Great later had his warriors' injuries cured with aloe juice. He had the plants planted on specially designed train cars and took them to the battlefields. That way, he always had fresh supplies.

In ancient Egypt, however, aloe vera was also an integral part when it came to embalming the dead. Since the aim was to achieve eternal life by abolishing the processes of decomposition, aloe vera was considered a plant of immortality there.

Well, our plant for men “Anthony” is certainly not immortal. But with reasonably reasonable care, this extremely undemanding plant can live up to 10 years.

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