Echeverie “Freddy” is Mexican, olé!

Freddy, Echeveria, or Hen

Echeverias like our “Freddy” are so popular that they have received many colloquial names over time. For example, they are called White Mexican Rose, Mexican Snowball or Mexican Jewel because of their whitish green leaves. But they are also known as “hen and chicks”. Hen is the main or mother plant, while chicks mean the many “offspring” that start as tiny buds on the main plant, sprout their own roots and then settle near the mother plant.

In botany, the attractive echeveria was named after the Mexican Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy, who worked as an illustrator for the Royal Botanical Expedition.

Symbolism: Echeverie “Freddy” stands for endurance and strength

In the countries of origin with little rain, echeveria has learned to survive long dry periods. That is why it is a symbol of endurance and strength and a nice gift for someone who has proven to be strong or is going through a difficult time.

Echeverias are succulent plants. And these are generally a symbol of toughness and strength, but also of love that survives difficult stages of life. In Japan, people even give them as gifts to reveal their love and thus express the hope of a relationship that can withstand turbulent times.

Freddy plant for men

Origin: Echeverie “Freddy” is a Mexican, olé!

If “Freddy” could speak, that would be Spanish. This is because this succulent plant comes primarily from Mexico, but occasionally also thrives in southern Peru.

Since there is little rain there, echeverias are able to store water in their thick-fleshed leaves. This characteristic allows them to survive even long dry periods, making them real survivalists.

In short: Freddy is not only suitable as a gift for people who like Mexico, Peru or Spanish, but for anyone who often forgets to water plants, has no time for it or is often on the go.

Giessen: Mexican “Freddy” is afraid of water

As a small Mexican, Echeverie “Freddy” is used to lots of sun. Therefore, give the plant a bright, sunny, warm location. On the other hand, it cannot cope with moisture at all, which is why it feels rather out of place in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Freddy is also more afraid of water in other respects. Water less rather than more, and let the soil dry thoroughly between waterings. Also make sure that you only water the soil and that no water gets on the leaves. Otherwise, they will start to rot. Wilted or dried echeveria leaves should be removed, but not with a knife or scissors, but with a powerful jerk. In this way, they are completely detached from the plant and there is no leaf base left behind that could rot.

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