Funny names: From official asparagus to pasha sword

Harry, Sanseveria Laurentii or mother-in-law tongue

The long pointed leaves have given Sansevieria many common names. For example, bow hemp or mother-in-law's tongue. Bow hemp because bowstrings are made from sturdy plant fibers. How “mother-in-law's tongue” came about is, of course, a mystery to us. Seriously though. Sansevieria has other funny names. For example, in German-speaking areas, official asparagus, bayonet plant and butcher plant. In English-speaking areas, it is also called Saint George's sword, in French-speaking countries a snake plant. In China, it is known as a tiger's tail orchid, in Turkey as a pasha sword, in the Netherlands and in Flanders as a woman's tongue, and in Russia as a pike tail. But be that as it may: Sansevierias are very trendy. This also applies to our plant for men “Harry”.

Harry men's plant

Location: Sansevieria “Harry” loves bright, sunny and dry

Since Sansevieria “Harry” is a desert plant from West Africa, it loves a bright, sunny location. Although it can also cope with a shadier spot, it grows much more slowly there.

Watch out for drafts. This can cause problems for the plant, especially in winter. It is therefore better not to place “Harry” on leaky windows and those that are frequently used for ventilation. If you keep the plant in a sunnier location for some time, you should be careful not to put it in the sun immediately, but slowly get used to it when moving it.

And one more thing: As a desert plant, Sansevieria prefers low humidity. It also needs a minimum room temperature of 15 degrees.

Sansevieria “Harry” — staged individually or in groups

For us, sansevierias — planted in attractive containers — are currently trendy plants. They were already popular in 1950-1970. That's when interest waned. But with the advent of the retro look, they're on the upswing again. Not just as a single plant, by the way. Because with several Sansevieria pots next to each other, you can also create a green privacy screen for yourself — for example at work.

Sansevieries are not just decorative though. This is because their hemp-like plant fibers proved to be so stable early on that they were cultivated as crops. These fibers are still used today as raw material for twine, cords or ropes, for mats, hats and garments — and even for bowstrings. The latter also explains how the German name “Bogenhanf” came about.

Sansevieria “Harry” is rather afraid of water

Good news for anyone who doesn't have a green thumb. Because there is hardly a houseplant that is easier to care for than Sansevieria “Harry”. It forgives almost every care mistake and is therefore extremely popular. Since it is a succulent plant and stores a lot of water in its leaves, it should only be watered very sparingly. And if so, you should always water directly onto the soil. If the water gets between the leaves, the plant starts to rot. The ideal temperature is 21 to 24 degrees, but Sansevieria can also withstand up to 30 degrees. But then it needs a bit more water. But beware: Only water when the soil has completely dried out. The plant survives long dry periods better than watering too frequently. So it's no problem if you completely forget “Harry” or go on vacation for two weeks.

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