Sunnyboy “William” just always fits

William, Sansevieria Mikado or bow hemp

For a long time, it was rather rare to find, and in recent years it has been one of the trendy plants. We're talking about Sansevieria cylindrica Mikado. It has a modern flair that fits well into today's living environments. Depending on the type of cultivation, their leaves can be up to one meter long. However, it doesn't just look good in living rooms. Because it also converts carbon into oxygen at night and loves high humidity, it is also an ideal decoration for bedrooms and bathrooms. A little all-rounder, our “William” and not by chance “Everybody's Darling”.

William men's plant

Sansevieria Mikado “William” in oracle look

Harry and William are siblings in the world of British royals, as are in the world of men's plants. Because both are Sansevierians. In contrast to Harry, however, the plant for men “William” is a Sansevieria cylindrica. It is said to owe its name to the competition of a major Dutch daily newspaper, which invited “creative readers” to submit name suggestions. Well, they don't seem to have been all that imaginative given the cylindrically shaped leaves. Other trivial names that also came up were more original. For example, cylindrical snake plant, African spear or — in Brazil — Saint Barbara sword. The variety name “Mikado”, on the other hand, dates back to the well-known game of skill because the plant leaves are reminiscent of wooden sticks, which in turn originate from East Asian oracle techniques.

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