Spotted ivy “Richard” - as stunning as namesake Gere

Richard, Scindapsus pictus or spotted ivy

The ivy grows in the tropical forests of Asia, the West Pacific, North and Northwest Australia and New Guinea. As a young plant, it grows along the ground and has rather inconspicuous leaves. That changes when she starts to rank her way up a tree. As a houseplant, spotted ivy utut does not bloom. However, it does produce heart-shaped, matte green leaves with bright spots on long shoots. These reflect light in a special way and give the plant an almost magical appeal. It is not for nothing that the spotted ivy with its patterned leaves is one of the most beautiful houseplants.

Spotted ivy “Richard” - stands for luck, success and wealth

In its homeland, the plant is considered a symbol of good luck. In feng shui, even for success, prosperity and happiness. That is why the spotted ivy is an absolute must-have not only for itself. It is also the perfect gift for someone who is starting a new job, opening a new home, facing an exam, celebrating a birthday, or “just because.” As is well known, you can never have enough success, luck (and money). By the way: The ivy is of course good everywhere. But according to Feng-Shui, it is particularly suitable for home offices or workplaces.

Richard men's plant

Spotted ivy “Richard” - likes it bright and humid

The spotted ivy does not need much care. Give it a bright location without direct sun. The more patterned the leaves are, the more light they need. If the plant is darker, the marbling becomes weaker. Important: Ivy ututes only feel comfortable at temperatures above 15 degrees. Ideally, these are between 18 and 25°C. Higher temperatures require increased humidity and more watering. Speaking of humidity: The ivy plant likes a humidity of over 50 percent. So spray them as often as possible and consider whether your bathroom might be the right location. She doesn't like drafts. Therefore, find a place that is as sheltered as possible.

Identify care errors

Your “Richard” has yellow leaves? That can happen as long as there aren't too many. If so, the care is not entirely optimal. It is most often due to waterings. Too much water can be just as fatal as too little. So if the substrate feels very moist, don't water at all for a week and then a little less. If the soil is very dry, give the plant a little more water. The plant also poorly tolerates low humidity over the long term. This is especially the case in winter when heating is taking place. Spray the ivy a little more often and especially do not place it near radiators.

Spotted ivy “Richard” - the living room miracle

Houseplants are healthy because they produce oxygen, increase humidity, neutralize harmful gases and thus purify the air. However, the spotted ivy has a special place. According to a NASA study, it is in the top 10 because it removes the toxic gases found in almost all households and offices. These include formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene, which are released by furniture, clothing, floor coverings, paints and printers, among others. By storing and breaking down, ivy is able to neutralize these harmful gases. It is not for nothing that they are called real living room wonders!

A symbol for poets and thinkers?

The botanical name of spotted ivy is Scindapsus pictus. And here we now know that the word “scindapsos” comes from ancient Greek and stands both for an “ivy-like plant” and for the Greek lyre (ancient stringed instrument from the lyre family). Ivy trees are of course similar to ivy because they can climb. The lyre, on the other hand, was considered an invention of Hermes in ancient Greece. He handed it over to his brother Apollo as compensation for stealing cattle. In Hellenism, the lyre was a symbol of poets and thinkers, from which the term poetry later developed.

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