Thick air? Money tree “Bill” provides a remedy

Bill, Crassula Ovata, or Money Tree

A money tree? It actually exists. Unfortunately, no banknotes grow on its branches. But the leaves of Crassula ovata look like small coins. This has given the plant many positive common names. We usually call it a money tree, but Englishmen also call it a friendship tree or a lucky tree. It is also said that prosperity and happiness never run out as long as a money tree thrives in the house. That is reason enough to take good care of the houseplant. As a lucky charm, the money tree is also a fantastic gift for guests or birthdays. Why don't you give it a try!

In feng shui, the money tree stands for peace

The money tree (Crassula ovata) has a completely different meaning in feng shui. Because of its round growth and leaf shapes, it corresponds to the metal transformation phase, which has more of a yin character. Yin, however, stands for femininity, softness, passivity and peace. So if you stick to feng shui and are looking for peace, you will be more likely to place this plant in the bedroom. Because in a room that requires a lot of yang — i.e. activity, movement — it would rather be out of place. Money or peace? You obviously have a choice.

Blooming money trees?

Only a few people know that there are blooming money trees (Crassula ovata). Perhaps because the pretty pink or white flowers are only developed from the age of around 10 years. However, for a money tree to flourish, a noticeable temperature difference between the summer and winter months is necessary. Tip: During the summer months, simply place your money tree on the balcony or terrace and bring it back into the house at the beginning of autumn. When the plant is of the necessary age, this change is often enough to start flowering. In his native South Africa, the flowering period is in the South African winter, between June and August. We have it in late winter or early spring. Good luck!

Bill men's plant

Thick air? A money tree provides a remedy

If you refer the importance of the money tree (Crassula ovata) as a guarantee of prosperity and happiness (or peace in Feng Shui) to the realm of superstition, another advantage may be able to convince you. Money trees are also valuable because they absorb pollutants from the air through their leaves and purify them. In addition, their fleshy leaves, in which they store water, release moisture into the room air and thus increase the comfortable climate. Last but not least, they should be effective against electrosmog. Seen in this way, money trees also benefit health.

Tips for long-lasting money trees

The money tree (Crassula ovata) likes it bright and warm, but does not like direct sun. That's why you're in the right place with a semi-shady location. As soon as it is warm enough in spring, you can even bring it outside, of course to a semi-shady spot. In autumn, however, it has to get indoors in good time because it does not tolerate frost. Since the money tree has an excellent water reservoir, you should only water it sparingly. If you're not sure whether it needs water, do the thumb test. If the top layer of soil is dry, you can water it. In winter, it only needs very little water. However, make sure that the substrate does not dry out completely. A bright but as cool location as possible is ideal during this time. From April to September, the plant receives some cactus fertiliser in the irrigation water once a month. Speaking of water, only use well-stale tap water or rainwater at room temperature.

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