Myrtillocactus “Max” - an adorable desert son

Max, Myrtillocactus, or blueberry cactus

What long-distance travelers with a sense of the unusual love, Myrtillocactus “Max” also likes. This is because its original range ranges from Guatemala to Mexico and includes Lower California. Myrtillocactus was described for the first time in 1897 by Sicilian botanist Michelangelo Console, and he was already absolutely enchanted by the blue-green color of this type of cactus. When we create perfect conditions for this house friend and it has grown a bit, it produces green-white flowers and later blue berries, which are also known as garambullos. In their area of origin, myrtillocactus help against soil erosion and provide food for wild animals.

Myrtillocactus “Max” - also ideal for berry lovers

Do you love berries? Then you should snack on the sweet berries of Myrtillocactus “Max”. They are similar in size and appearance to blueberries, have lots of vitamins and are basically valuable foods. The Aztecs, who bred these low-thorny cacti, were already aware of their healthy effects. In Mexico, they are still collected as wild fruit and offered on local markets. They are used fresh or dried like raisins: for ice creams and sorbets, for compotes, jams, cake toppings or for making flavored water or sweet wine. In rural areas, they are even eaten as vegetables: breaded and fried, or minced and mixed with scrambled eggs.

“Max” has many names. Botanically, it is called “Myrtillocactus.” But it is also popularly known as blueberry or blueberry cactus. Well, it doesn't really matter. At most, it is remarkable that the namesakes always based themselves on the fruits of the cactus, which — depending on the observer's eyes — look like the berries of myrtle, or even remember blueberries and blueberries. This cactus received the rather rare name “blue candle” because it sometimes grows with branched shoots that rise up like blue candles. Too complicated for you? Then just call this friendly green roommate “Max.” Because he likes that.

Really always there for you

“Our” Max is a jack of all trades. Because it not only helps against soil erosion and has delicious fruits. He is good for a lot of other things. For example, the fast-growing cactus is sometimes used as a natural fence or as a “silo” for dried corn because its thorns keep goats, cows and other invaders away. Dried myrtillocactus is used as firewood in rural areas and is first fed to the cattle. The hollow cactus trunks are also suitable for making electric lamps or flashlights. Last but not least, dried berries are also processed to obtain vegetable dyes.

Max plant for men

Since Myrtillocactus survives even in the most barren areas, it stands for endurance and toughness. So anyone who gives you a Myrtillocactus thinks you're a fighter or a survivalist. Or he wants to give you courage in difficult times. But the myrtillocactus is more than that. Because it can be used for many things, it also stands for warmth, helpfulness and unconditional love among Native Americans. Seen in this way, a gift of “Max” could also mean that someone loves you and cares about you. Last but not least, there is the Japanese “Hanakotoba”, according to which every plant has a meaning. There, the cactus is associated with pleasure. So when someone gives you a Myrtillocactus, it could also be a message of love. The choice is yours.

“Max” likes it sunny and warm

To prevent its wonderful blue color from fading, “Max” feels most comfortable in a location with at least four hours of sun a day. During the warm season, he also likes to stand in the garden or on the balcony. But beware: When moving from the apartment to the outside, he must first slowly get used to the unfiltered sun. It also tolerates a little more water on hot days. However, always allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. In the colder season, on the other hand, it really only needs very little water. In addition, “Max” rests better in winter when he is very bright in the apartment but a bit cooler.

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