Zamioculcas zamiifolia — invincible like the comic book character “Hulk”

Hulk, Zamioculcas zamiifolia or lucky feather

In addition to their botanical name, many plants also have common names. So the Zamioculcas. It is also called Lucky Feather, ZZ Plant, Fiederaron and Golden Tree. Reasons? The name Glücksfeder probably goes back to the shape of the leaves, which are reminiscent of feathers, and to the fact that you can only really get lucky by caring for this undemanding plant. ZZ plant is the abbreviation of the botanical name Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Fiederaron reminds us that the leaves resemble the plumage of birds and that the plant is an arum rod plant. And Golden Tree? This name probably came about because Zamioculcas is said to bring prosperity.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia “Hulk” - a gift with lots of positive symbolism

As an indestructible, easy-care plant, Zamioculcas stands for peace and serenity and balances extreme vibrations. That is why it is often used for meditation. In feng shui, it also stands for new ideas and is intended to help achieve wealth and prosperity. Last but not least, it promotes determination.

It is therefore a plant that you can literally give to everyone. Because whether it's peace, serenity and inner balance, a wealth of ideas, determination or even wealth and prosperity: Who doesn't feel addressed by that!

Zamioculcas zamiifolia — invincible like the comic book character “Hulk”

The homeland of Zamioculcas is Central and East Africa. There, it grows primarily in wooded foothills of the highlands and in lowlands where rocky substrates prevail. By nature, Zamioculcas is accustomed to extreme drought. When it rains, it quickly absorbs itself with moisture to survive the drought again.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Zamioculcas have been experiencing an upsurge as an uncomplicated houseplant. She's not just hip and stylish. It is also considered the “hardest houseplant in the world” because it cannot be beaten down even by the most untalented indoor gardeners. That is the reason for the name Hulk, because this giant powerhouse with green skin from the comic series of the same name is also invincible.

Hulk plant for men

“Hulk” regulates humidity and purifies air

Many houseplants not only have the advantage of improving the indoor climate by regulating humidity and thus ensuring psychological well-being.

They also have great air purification abilities, such as our Zamioculcas. This removes pollutants such as alcohols, acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, which benefits our health. It is usually not recommended to put plants in the bedroom because they emit carbon dioxide. This is not the case with Zamioculcas because it also produces oxygen at night. So it is an absolute plus in every way for every room — and even in the office.

“Hulk” gets “angry” when waterlogged

A Zamioculcas can withstand almost anything from a shady to bright location as long as it is not in blazing sun. However, the brighter the location, the faster the growth and the lighter the leaves. If the plant is placed in shade, it grows more slowly, but the leaves develop a very attractive dark green. The plant feels most comfortable at temperatures of 20 degrees C, below 16 degrees C it gets too cold for it.

The Zamioculcas grows up to 1.5 meters tall and grows really bushy. If the shoots get too long, you can cut them off (preferably just above ground). They grow back next to the interface. Since the plant has succulent properties, it should be watered sparingly. Because the only thing she doesn't like at all is waterlogging. That's why their motto is: “Don't make me angry.”

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