Ways out of the misery of men's gifts

Until now, the gift market with flowers, decoration, jewelry and accessories has focused primarily on ladies and offered little exciting things for guys.

Until now, the gift market with flowers, decoration, jewelry and accessories has focused primarily on ladies and offered little exciting things for guys. That is why “woman”, when she didn't know what to do anymore, resorted to ties, aftershave, wine, whiskey and chocolate.

“Männerpflanze” now offers a way out of this imaginative misery. You have in mind the image of men of the 21st century, where men stand by their soft side: They attend cooking classes, iron their shirts themselves and furnish their homes in style. Living green is almost a must.

Plants revive the living environment and improve the quality of life. In addition, strong, unusual plants for men, which even have a name, radiate relaxed peace and provide the ultimate zen effect. The fact that the wellness factor is also well received by female guests is a very welcome side effect.

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